What is Adversary Simulation and why it matters?

Let's face it, absolute security does not exist.

And even if it did, how long would it last? Days? Maybe even hours? The assume breach mindset means organisations cannot aspire to a one-off, all-green checklist anymore. And that is where Adversary Simulation comes in.


An Adversarial Attack Simulation is an advanced exercise, encompassing not only the organisation's systems but also its people, processes, and procedures.


This ultimately provides a realistic view of its resilience to sophisticated attacks - not restricted to systematic testing of security controls - and the risk of attackers gaining access to business-critical systems or assets.

Who can benefit from Adversary Simulation?


For mature organisations with well-established security controls

These exercises help refine and validate the efficacy of their defences, while getting a better overall understanding of where they are in terms of security resilience.


For organisations in earlier stages of maturity

These simulations highlight critical gaps and prioritise the most impactful security improvements, serving as a roadmap for building stronger defences over time.



We adhere to the established MITRE ATT&CK framework which maps tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) employed by real threat actors.

In addition, SECFORCE has vast experience with the *BEST/TIBER-EU frameworks for delivering regulated Red Teaming services for financial entities and other industries. In fact, since 2020 our team has delivered some of the first multi-jurisdictional, multi-framework Red Team and Purple Team engagements in the world.

Our technical ability to mimic the attacker's way of thinking and operating, combined with our focus on collaboration and learning, allow us to offer a wide range of state-of-the-art Adversarial Simulation services.


Red Team Services

Exercise that simulates real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities in an organisation's defences.

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Red_Team_ExerciseRed Team Exercise

Comprehensive, tailored simulation of real-world attacks, targeting an organisation's defences.

Regulated_Red_Team_ExerciseRegulated Red Team Exercise

Threat intelligence-driven assessments mandated by industry regulations like TIBER, *BEST or STAR, simulating advanced attacks on critical systems to evaluate resilience against targeted threats.

Purple Team Services

A collaborative exercise between Red (offensive) and Blue (defensive) teams, designed to improve detection, response, and mitigation capabilities by sharing insights and testing defences in real-time against simulated attacks.

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Purple_Team_ExercisePurple Team Exercise

A comprehensive adaptation of a Purple Team engagement, where the Red Team simulates a range of TTPs across all/multiple phases of the cyber kill chain and interacts with relevant defensive teams in real time to test the existing controls, as well as drive improvements in monitoring, detection, and prevention capabilities.

Ransomware_Simulation_ExerciseRansomware Simulation Exercise

An exercise that mimics the behaviour of ransomware attacks to evaluate an organization's preparedness, including its ability to detect, contain, and recover from a ransomware threat.

Malware_Resilience_TestingMalware Resilience Testing

An exercise that assesses the resilience of organisation systems against the deployment, transfer, and execution of malware.

EDR_TestingEDR Testing

This Purple Team variant focuses exclusively on thoroughly assessing an organization's EDR solution by simulating a wide range of relevant TTPs with various levels of sophistication.


An exercise that targets employees within an organisation using carefully crafted emails or messages designed to assess their susceptibility to phishing attacks and gauge overall security awareness. By collecting interaction metrics, the exercise provides valuable insights that can help tailor and improve future security awareness training.

Not sure where to begin?

Our team can recommend a starting point.

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