What is Penetration Testing and why it matters?


As organisations keep growing in complexity and reliance on IT systems, so are the resources, skills, and sophistication of the adversaries.


This context makes it essential for organisations to pursue a higher understanding of the potential threats they are facing and the best practices which prevent them.


Part of organisations' Risk Management process, Penetration Testing is a thorough, systematic exercise conducted to assess the security controls in place over a specific technology or function.

Ideal outcomes of Penetration Testing


Full Visibility

Accurate listing of every security issue potentially affecting the given target - excluding false positives - and their associated risks.


Risk Contextualisation

Translation of risk ratings and technical issues into actual business impact, oriented to future risk management decision-making.


Comprehensive reporting

Detailed, yet accessible delivery designed to help both technical teams and management roles understand, align, and achieve their business goals.


Course of action

Actionable and effective recommendations on how to address the findings both strategically, focusing on the root causes, and tactically, focusing on individual issues.

Who can benefit from Penetration Testing?

Any organisation, regardless of their activity, size, or maturity, will significantly benefit from a better understanding of the threats and vulnerabilities it is exposed to.


This kind of test is particularly advised and valuable whenever any significant changes occur within the organisation's systems, ensuring a thorough assessment and even an early-stage remediation.

Some classic scenarios include:


Testing a specific product (web, app, deviceā€¦) before it goes online.


Assessing changes to control configurations, such as new firewall rules.


Auditing controls in specific environments through laptop reviews, build reviews, and reviewing the configuration of a system, such as an IoT deployment.


Uncovering exploitable vulnerabilities in externally facing systems (such as email or VPN) that employees use when working remotely.


Finding and reporting on vulnerabilities to steer patch management.


Penetration Testing is also highly recommended on a regular basis as a means to a strategic, holistic assessment and improvement of an organisation's security programme. Most notable security regulations, such as DORA or NIS2, include Penetration Testing as a recurrent requirement.



SECFORCE security assessments follow robust technical methodologies aligned with a number of established and documented approaches as well as ethical guidelines.

We will exceptionally choose to walk off the beaten path if it's in our clients' best interest and only when we can ensure an equal or superior coverage (e.g., when we cover an attack that a methodology doesn't, or when we consider a methodology puts too much emphasis on areas that aren't normally in scope).

Additionally, we ensure a fit-for-purpose scoping driven by ex-testers who truly understand the process, ask the key exploratory questions, and are able to suggest specific high-value attack scenarios.



Penetration Testing Services

applicationApplication Security

Web Application Test, Mobile Application Assessment, API Penetration Test, Source Code Review, Thick Client Test

infrastructureInfrastructure Security

External Infrastructure Test, Internal Infrastructure Test, VPN Infrastructure Test, Wireless Infrastructure Test, VDI Breakout Assessment, Stolen Device Review

configurationConfiguration Review

Cloud Configuration Review, Firewall Configuration Review, Host Configuration Review

embeddedEmbedded Devices / IoT

Device / Firmware Test

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